Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I get to help cook tonight!

I was a dork before graduate school, but the fact that I have way less free time now means that I get way more excited about the dorky things I love than I used to. Which means that, where I used to be internally stoked to cook dinner, I now dance around the house carrying a wooden spoon and wearing an apron (true story).

Anyway, we're having Mini Meatloaves, a recipe my mum filched from Good Housekeeping before I was even born. To this day, it remains one of our favorites; I'll post it soon! One really cool thing I've done with the recipe (because I like to give my three readers good kitchen tips - stay loyal and all that) was to make a big batch, freeze them, and then take them down to Hilton Head in a cooler for a family dinner with the Mroziaks. Then, all we had to do was whip up some sauce, throw them in the oven, and make peas and some kind of potato. My mum? Total genius; I can't take credit for that one.

Peace, love, and yummy spicy loaves of mushroom-y BBQ-y goodness,

1 comment:

mama-lady said...

Okay, Kim, you are making me hungry! From one of your fans...