Wednesday, July 9, 2008

And also...

My mom made some AMAZING fish the other night that is too easy and too delicious not to publish.

Those Penzey's spices I'm always talking about (seriously, they should so pay me for talking them up all the time) have found yet another use in my house. My mom used the Mural of Flavors blend (which is salt-free), and here's what she did to get it on the fish:

Take some fish - we like mild fish, so I'd suggest tilapia - and put it on a plate. Dump some EVOO over it and sprinkle on some of the seasoning. Give your fish a little EVOO-spice-massage; flip the pieces over and repeat on the other side. Grill until flaky - find your cooking times (and some great tips for marinades, sauces, and stuffings) here.

We had it with asparagus, broccoli (my dad is super picky), and parsley potatoes. Yum!

Peace, love, and another post,

1 comment:

mama-lady said...

Can I come to your house for dinner?