Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The First Post

Dear friends, classmates, and anyone else looking at this little blog,
I have never blogged before, not even on LiveJournal (although I do have an account, I only use it for stalking other people), so bear with me as I get used to this form of communication. Although this is for a class, I really wanted to blog about something I genuinely care about without being too sappy. I thought of Julia and Me, this great book about a woman who, during a life crisis, decides to cook every one of the recipes in Julia Childs's Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 1, and decided that I would write about food. I love cooking, and when I think of cooking, I can't help but think of my mother, hence the title of this blog.
Growing up, I was always allowed in the kitchen. While my mother always kept (and still does keep) an impeccably clean house, all bets were off when we were in the kitchen together. We would share secrets and tell stories; my godmother was also often there as well. Perhaps because of this, many of my favorite memories revolve around food.
Anyway, all this food and cooking has made me a brave eater and a brave cooker, if there are such things. I have never been to culinary school of any kind; I claim no expertise or real knowledge. I just read a lot - cookbooks and culinary essays. If I seem pretentious, please ignore it. I mess up a lot, as you will see, but I hope you enjoy reading about my cooking and eating as much as I enjoy talking about it.

Humbly yours,

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